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Individual Health & Life Insurance

Life is full of uncertainties, insurance is your safety net.

Not everybody has the benefit of group health insurance. Individual policies are available for purchase on your own and can minimize the risk of uncertainty and help protect you and your loved ones.

Major Medical Insurance
Image of Family

Sort through your options with confidence

With all the buzz around health insurance and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there is a lot of confusion on this topic, making it difficult to determine what is right for you and your family.

Avera Health Plans Color
Wellmark logo

Major Medical Insurance

McGreevy & Associates can help you sort through all of the options, including Avera Health Plans, Sanford Health Plans, Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and Marketplace plans. We’ll help break down terms like “deductible” and “coinsurance” and how each of these options affects your decision on choosing a plan that will meet your family’s health insurance needs.

Long-term comprehensive coverage for your specific needs

Major medical insurance is designed to cover a majority percentage of the average health care costs in a given year. It meets the minimum standards of the ACA while offering coverage for a wide range of medical services. McGreevy & Associates contracts with leading health insurance providers such as Avera and Sanford Health to provide you with options for the benefits you will need the most.

Major medical insurance covers essential health care services including prescription drugs, hospitalization, emergency services, mental health and addiction, laboratory work, rehabilitative care, and more.

*Wellmark BCBS only available in certain counties


Give your loved ones security

Individual Life Insurance

What would your family do if you were no longer around to provide income? Life insurance can provide your family with the resources needed to maintain their lifestyle if you die unexpectedly. Benefits of life insurance include:

Unexpected Events

Life insurance provides your family with a safety net should unexpected events occur. These might include home and/or automobile repairs, hospital stays, tuition hikes, and more.

Lifestyle Changes

Life insurance helps ensure your family won’t have to experience changes in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.

Paying Off Debt & Retaining Income

An unexpected death can create debt accumulation and will lead to loss of income. Life insurance helps offset these expenses.

Funding Long-time Needs

Life insurance can help fund long-range needs such as college tuition or retirement. Our simple Life Insurance Calculator will help you determine how much coverage you should have.

Find Out How Much Coverage You Should Have

Guarantee your loved ones security.

Our associates will help you find a life insurance plan that will provide for your family in the event of your death.

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Maintain an income source if you are unable to work

Disability Income Insurance

The ability to work and earn a living is our most valuable asset.
The steady income work provides makes everything else possible. Most of us plan to retire after working for 30, 40, or 50 years, but accidents happen…and can leave you in a financial bind.

If the unthinkable happens, will you be prepared?
How would your life change if you were to become sick or too hurt to work and were no longer able to earn an income? How would you support your family? What would happen to your savings, retirement plans, and your children’s opportunity for a college education?

Disability income insurance offers protection against the unexpected.
Nobody likes to think about worst-case scenarios, but a loss of income can be devastating. Disability income insurance helps ensure a steady flow of income in the event that an accident, illness, or other long-term disability occurs.

Dental & Vision Insurance

Make sure your eyes and teeth are protected

Dental & Vision Insurance

Dental and vision coverage isn’t always available in the workplace, or maybe your family just wants better coverage than what is offered through your employer. There are a variety of individual options when it comes to dental and vision programs that can help reduce costs and ensure you are protected.

You have choices
McGreevy & Associates contracts with leading providers including Delta Dental, Avesis, and VSP to offer a variety of coverage options sure to meet your specific needs.

Let's Start a Conversation

Take care of your eyes and mouth.

We’ll help you find dental and vision coverage suitable for your family’s needs.

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